

A bi-weekly newsletter

Never boring, only sorta annoying.

Critics* call IDLancer's Digest "a must-read newsletter that consistently delivers a virtuoso blend of industry insights, actionable advice, and fart jokes, making it an indispensable resource for anyone in the L&D realm or living on Planet Earth. Seminal."

*our Mom

What's Inside?

If you're tired of being constantly bombarded by the same old L&D snooze-letters in your inbox, give our bi-weekly newsletter a try instead. All email is annoying, but we only bug ya once every other week! That's the IDLance difference.

Stuff for L&D Pros

If you're an L&D reader in the C-Suite or have no real interest in the freelancing side of IDLance, you'll still find relevant articles and info in a special section of the Digest dedicated just to you. Oooh, VIP!

Stuff for Freelancers

If you're a part of our Slack Community or interested in joining, you won't want to miss out on a single edition of the Digest. No more missing juicy bits of information! Hot tips, exclusives, and more!

Goofs & Gaffes

Was this newsletter written by a silly goose, or what? IDLancer's Digest is about 50% crucial information and 50% entertainment. Break up the monotony of your workday with some fun!

Free Resources

One cool thing about the Digest? You never know when you'll get a sweet, exclusive freebie. Who doesn't love free stuff? One time, we ate the equivalent of a Thanksgiving meal in free samples. Worth it.

Subscribe now to find out what the hubbub* is all about!

*Also, according to our Mom