AI Meets ID

We selected the topic of AI in instructional design for our inaugural Round Table Talk because it's a game-changer in our field. With AI technologies rapidly evolving, we want to explore how they're reshaping the way we design and deliver learning experiences. Is AI our knight in shining armor or a formidable challenger in our quest for better instructional design?

We sat down with honored table guests Leonard Bullock, Tracy Mendolia-Moore, and Yuna Hur on November 7, 2023, to discuss this very topic! Be sure to scroll further down on this page to connect with each of them on LinkedIn.

Not in the mood to watch a video but still want all the key takeaways from Round Table Talk 1? Click the button below to download the official AI White Paper! Reviews are calling it "the White Album of White Papers."

Meet Our Round Table Guests

Tracy Mendolia-Moore

Tracy Mendolia-Moore, M.A. Ed. is the Manager of 3D Education Technology Innovations at The Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning at Western University of Health Sciences. She leads and supports a team of educational innovators, managing a project pipeline consisting of artificial intelligence (AI), mixed reality (AR/VR/XR), mobile app development, and more. In her spare time, Tracy is a dedicated Kiwanis member and has led her Girl Scout troop for 11 years!

Leonard Bullock

Leonard Bullock is an Instructional Designer specializing in AI, High-Performance Computing, and Edge Computing at Lenovo. He is an instructional design professional with proficiency in coordinating and producing high-quality multimedia training content. His background is in curriculum design and delivery, eLearning, serious game development, and audio/video production. Leonard also coordinated the founding of the Heritage High School Game Art and Design Career Academy!

Yuna Hur

Yuna Hur, M.S.Ed. is a Learning and Development Manager at Sidecar Health, a learning strategist, product manager, learning experience designer, and self-published children’s book author! She has a passion for exploring the intersections between education and technology, with a particular interest in AI ethics. Yuna enjoys learning about learning, brain science + AI, coaching and watching (and playing, on occasion) lacrosse, baking bread, puns, and finding the best local donuts.